As a marketer, your only goal is to create brand identity with high sales in the industry to customers all around the world. When you are at the stage of your product promotion you can make use of the labelling technique to gain an extra advantage. But make sure that you choose them wisely based on your product’s feature, outlook and the information that you produce.
When it comes to information sharing this can be done in various shapes and text that catches the people attention. There are different types of labelling in the marketing industry i.e. removable and non-removable labels.
Removable labels are those that are easily peel-able and are stickered at the surface of the product to deliver any information message or about the product details.
Non-removable labels are those which can’t be removed and are peel resistance.
Apart from this, the labelling can be done on special metal plates too. Using materials like Aluminium and Stainless steel can be the best choice. While customizing the labels you must be able to brief your product details or info to your aluminium nameplate manufacturer to label it legibly on the plates.
Some of the nameplates that used for labelling are discussed for your reference here,
1. Etched metal - Etching process can be effective if you want to deliver your product info into an image or text. Both deep etch and standard etch is worthy but choose based on your utility or usage period. Delivering the message through etched metal increase the visibility strength i.e. will be legible giving two-toned finish. This metal is corrosive resistance and withstands high-temperature conditions. To make it even more attractive you can fill them with colours too.
2. Embossed metal - This helps in highlighting the image or text more visible. Choosing to emboss increases the dimension and depth of the design. If you want your label to be more unique then selecting embossed metal is a right choice.
3. Anodized plates - Here aluminium is used in the anodizing process. The text or image will be sealed on an anodic layer to provide extra protection when exposed to chemical or other environmental condition. They are durable and give a high graphics resolution making images and text to be clearly visible.
Make sure to include all the information into the label correctly i.e. right from government standards to product info. Choosing a nameplate manufacturer will be a little difficult but once you find be focused in providing a better product outcome.